Clinical Trials and its Phases

Clinical trials are the part of medical research in which people are select voluntarily to patriciate in the research. Clinical trials are the way to test the treatment and medication of human beings. The main objective of Clinical Trials in Las Vegas is to evaluate the results of treatment and medication. The result of clinical trials tells you about the safety, side effects, and effectiveness of new medication and treatment on human beings.

Clinical Trials are necessary to approve any new medication and treatment. Clinical Trials are based on four phases. Every phase in Clinical Trial is an important ad designed carefully.

Phase I 

In the first phase of the trial the medicine, vaccination, or treatment is tested on a small group of people. In first mostly groups are consists of 20 to 80 members. It highly observed trial because in this trial researchers judge the side effects and safety of the treatment or drug. And it also evaluates the right amount of drug to achieve the possible result from drug or treatment. This trial is mainly focused on the safety of the drug.  

 Phase II

This time the drug or treatment is tested on more people to find out more side effects, safety concerns, and effectiveness of the drug or treatment on different people which aims to find out the effectiveness of the drug or treatment on people with certain diseases and living conditions. The phase II clinical trial lasts several years because in phase II researchers obtain the data about short term side effects safety and are the drug or treatment work for people with different health conditions. 

 Phase III

In the third phase of a clinical trial, the objectives remain the same to find out the side effects, safety, and effectiveness of the drug or treatment. But the phase III trial is extended to the population. Usually, the number of subjects or volunteers is in hundreds to 3 thousand. This time the amount of drug is also tested with different dosages on different people just to find out the more effective dosage. If the results of clinical trial Phase III are positive. Then the treatment or drug is considered as approved to use.

 Phase IV 

This considers as the Postmarking study. In this phase of clinical trial the drug or treatment is monitored on diverse populations because sometimes the side effects are not clear until the long usage on different people.
