Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, and the hip is the second most commonly affected joint.
Everyone’s joints go through a normal cycle of wear and repair during their lifetime. As your joints get repair themselves, their shape and structure can change. If this happens in one or more of your joints, it’s known as Hip osteoarthritis studies trails las vegas.
A joint is a part of the body where two or more bones meet. Your hip joint consists of a ball at the top of the thigh bone, which fits into a socket in your pelvis.
Exercise is essential for reducing the risk of osteoarthritis and slowing its progress. Exercise not only helps you manage your weight, but it also improves strength, flexibility, and mobility. Low-impact exercises are less likely to put strain on a damaged joint. Experts strongly recommend tai chi for people with hip osteoarthritis.
Other options include:
cycling or using a stationary bike
strengthening exercises
Regular stretching can help relieve stiff, achy, or painful joints. Here are some tips to help you stretch safely:
Start by asking a physical therapist for suggestions and guidance.
Do all stretches gently and build up flexibility slowly.
Stop if you feel pain.
Increase intensity slowly.
If you don’t feel pain after the first few days of an activity, gradually spend more time on it. At first, you may find it hard to stretch very far, but your flexibility will increase over time, as you practice.
Experts say that self-management is essential for treating osteoarthritis.
This includes:
learning as much as you can about your condition
knowing what your treatment options are
taking an active part in managing your pain and other symptoms
discussing what is best for you with your healthcare provider
taking care of yourself regarding both diet and nutrition, restorative sleep, and appropriate exercise
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